Main difference from first year is here you have more preclinical excercises than theory part.
As like 1st year ,here also you have 3 subjects
1)Dental Materials(Prosthodontics+Conservative)
2)Microbiology & Pathology
We can go through each one :
1)Dental materials(Prosthodontics + Conservative)
In this subject you will learn about different materials used in dentistry.It may be impression materials,waxes,gypsum products, restorative materials...
- It divided into Prosthodontic and Conservative topics.
- We will learn them later.
Exam pattern in KUHS include 1 theory paper including 35 mark each for both Prosthodontics and Conservative topics and 2 separate practicals for same.
2) Microbiology & Pathology
- Microbiology deals with different microbes involved in disease progression and their culture.
- Pathology have abnormal tissue reactions and their features.
In BDS these 2 subjects combined in 2nd year.
Theory exam consist of 35 mark each for both and 2 separate practicals.
- It include different drugs and their mechanism of actions,adverse effects.
- Additional topic dental pharmocology included with in the syllabus.
Exam consist of theory in 70 marks and one practical exam.
In addition to above subjects,you have preclinical exams at the end of 2nd year.They include :
- Preclinical Prosthodontics
- Preclinical Conservative Dentistry
- Preclinical Orthodontics.
By this,you are eligible to enter clinics,thus the end of preclinical life.
We will discuss 3rd year which is your first clinical year on next post.
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